Choose a topic which is relevant to Criminology, and which is feasible and doable and provide an outline of how you would do this research

Any Feasible Criminology Topic Choose a topic which is relevant to Criminology, and which is feasible and doable and provide an outline of how you would do this research Word limit: 2,500 words Black font, size 11, (Arial, Times New Roman or Verdana) Double or 1.5 line spacing

Discuss Alina’s liability for murder and the specific defences that may apply.

 Criminology and Criminal Justice. Alina suspects that her husband is having an affair with the neighbour Susie. She confronts her and, in the process, kills her. Alina has post-traumatic stress disorder not in control and Susie suffers from a heart condition that prevents blood clotting. Discuss Alina’s liability for murder and the specific defences that … Read more

Discuss on the ways of improving understanding of the contemporary field of feminist and queer criminology.

CRIME, GENDER AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE. CRITICAL ARTICLE REVIEW. Discuss on  the ways of improving understanding of the contemporary field of feminist and queer criminology. Investigate more fully one of the topics introduced in the module. Demonstrate and develop critical reading and writing skills.

Treason:What constitutes treason? Include a discussion of traditional espionage and industrial espionage.

Treason Read the textbook “Criminology: Theories, Patterns and Typologies 13th Edition” (Chapter 11) by Larry J. Seigel and answer this question: What constitutes treason? Include a discussion of traditional espionage and industrial espionage. Make sure to use evidence from the chapter & must be 3 paragraphs in length

JUVENILES INVOLVEMENT IN PROPERTY CRIMES: what is the potential significance of the proposed analysis to knowledge, theory, the field of criminology, and society?

JUVENILES INVOLVEMENT IN PROPERTY CRIMES What is the potential significance of the proposed analysis to knowledge, theory, the field of criminology, and society? What is the significance of my study to the field of criminology, and society? What are the strengths and limitations related to your ability to complete your study? If you use any … Read more

Theories and Perspectives in Criminology: write a short critical analysis of positivist criminology strengths and a critique of the theory’s weakness.

Theories and Perspectives in Criminology Write a short critical analysis of positivist criminology strengths and a critique of the theory’s weakness. Discuss the chicago’s School’s environmental theory and its similarities and differences in relation to positivism Explain sutherland’s differential association theory and its similarities and differences in relation to positivism Evaluate Merton’s strain theory and … Read more

Criminology:how effective are acts of resistance? how can racial profiling be examining through equality as a transformation lens?

Criminology Create 2 discussion forum answering the participating question. (Answer in a discussion forum not essay forum) (about 400 words each) What are the debates concerning open borders? How effective are acts of resistance? how can racial profiling be examining through equality as a transformation lens?