Considering the course materials for the week, think about the situations in which your creativity is at its highest. In what format is your creativity best expressed?

Expressing Creativity. Elizabeth Kirk (2016) explores the role of gesturing in encouraging creative thought in young children. The study conducted revealed gesturing increased the number of novel ideas generated by children. This gives us much to consider as we look at what drives our creativity! • Considering the course materials for the week, think about … Read more

Creativity : Which one of the four types of creativity is your strongest skill? Explain why and how you have developed this type of creativity?

Creativity. Creative Problem-Solving Process:  Creativity and Problem Solving  Brain Teasers  Review Figure 3.1 Four Types of Creativity. Which one of the four types of creativity is your strongest skill? Explain why and how you have developed this type of creativity? Discuss if you are a lateral thinker or a vertical thinker, and why?

Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Teams :what does creativity and innovation “look like” in a team setting? Use specific examples from what you have read about existing teams in organizations to support your response.

Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Teams What do organizations such as Amazon, Apple, and Tesla have in common? They are known for being creative and innovative. While most people agree that organizations need to be creative and innovative to be successful, few people can concretely define these terms or articulate how to foster each within … Read more