Explain a family or community activity, cultural tradition or ritual that builds a sense of connection within or outside of your immediate family. Share dress, styles, and other forms of expression.

Family and community activity -Explain a family or community activity, cultural tradition or ritual that builds a sense of connection within or outside of your immediate family. Share dress, styles, and other forms of expression. -Describe any social stratification within the activity based on age, gender, or family and kinship . -Identify how the tradition, … Read more

As the CEO of one of these companies, how would you respond to calls to share your company’s IP and under what circumstances? How would a Biblical worldview influence your decisions?

Vaccines and treatments The companies that developed the vaccines and treatments in the covid pandemic provide very real-life, real-time examples of the questions of protecting patents as business assets while answering social responsibility concerns. As the CEO of one of these companies, how would you respond to calls to share your company’s IP and under … Read more

Highlight and explain challenges faces by the hotel Four session during Covid pandemic focus only in employees and the way to manage and motivate them without introduction or conclusion.

Challenges faces by the hotel Four session during Covid pandemic Highlight and explain challenges faces by the hotel Four session during Covid pandemic focus only in employees and the way to manage and motivate them without introduction or conclusion

Comparative Public Admin: write a memo on how governments are responding to the COVID pandemic.

Comparative Public Admin Write a memo on how governments are responding to the COVID pandemic. Choose two countries (one which is handling the pandemic better and one which is not handling the pandemic well) and contract and compare them. Single-spaced within paragraphs, Double-spaced between paragraphs, 12 pt. font, New Times Roman, state purpose as first … Read more

Social Marketing – Develop a social marketing project plan

Social Marketing  Develop a Social Marketing Project Plan Introduction: The cause to investigate is ‘loneliness in elderly people’ as I personally believe this social issue isn’t widely talked about enough and doesn’t receive the funding and societal recognition it deserves. Since the Covid pandemic this social welfare issue has skyrocketed as aged care homes were … Read more