The Roles of Congress and the presidency: what characteristics do you think voters look for when choosing a president?

The Roles of Congress and The Presidency What characteristics do you think voters look for when choosing a president? Do you think voters choose the characteristics they are looking for depending on the socioeconomic and political environment – lack of jobs, riots, COVID-19, environmental concerns and other issues ?Explain your answer.    

Business Need Problem Statement :based on your findings on the investigation of COVID-19 organizational gap, write a 750- to 1,000-word paper that defines the problem or opportunity and explains how it can be addressed through an informatics solution.

Business Need Problem Statement 1.Investigate an COVID-19 organizational gap or issue to identify a problem or new opportunity that that can be addressed through an informatics solution. 2.Based on your findings on the investigation of COVID-19 organizational gap, write a 750- to 1,000-word paper that defines the problem or opportunity and explains how it can … Read more

Classmates’ discussion: according to the discussion ,explain why workers did as they did, do you think there may be generational differences in how we can best present an avenue for employees to express why the system isn’t working? might one generation respond better to a process than another and if so, what might the solution be?

Classmates’ discussion: Read and respond to the following classmates’ discussion posts. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions. Be sure to use at least 175 words, FULL APA references, and in-text citations. 1. Yes, I agree that managers should have a multi-generational understanding in order to embody well-rounded leadership. Managers encourage cooperation … Read more

Explain the efforts that had been implemented by the UAE government to flatten the spread of COVID-19 virus, and its  positive impact.

Aim The aim of the position paper to assess student ability to critically discuss the issues and supported with literature. Course Learning Outcome Your project needs to capture and illustrate the change process in an organization. This project related to the following the MGMT1 Course Learning Outcome (CLO) as follows: 1. Manage change within organizations; … Read more

Critically appreciate the theory of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation and demonstrate an ability to relate this to practice. Discuss/reflect on the entrepreneurial journey; highlighting, using entrepreneurship literature, entrepreneurial orientation (be reflective).

  Entrepreneurship as a mechanism for recovery in crisis- COVID-19 Identify and assess the specific characteristics new ventures starting now or in the foreseeable future will possess- You may use one of the following options: * OPTION 1- Select an existing entrepreneurial business (a start-up) and develop your assignment based on the changes in the … Read more

Cleveland Museum of Art: what is the role of the artists?is the work representational or nonrepresentational? what formal elements are used – line, space, color & light, texture, pattern, design elements.

Critical Thinking Paper Art Appreciation The critical thinking paper will be an analysis of a work of art of your choice at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Considering Covid-19,  look on their website for an artwork. The entire collection of the museum is online. There is no comparison of looking at an artwork in person, … Read more

In 100-200 words, explain how  COVID 19impact the globe’s carbon emissions. 

Description Do an internet search and research how COVID 19 will impact the globe’s carbon emissions.                    In 100-200 words, explain how  COVID 19 impact the globe’s carbon emissions. What are the impacts scientists believe COVID 19 will have? Do scientists all agree on the impacts that … Read more

Discuss the respiratory distress referrals from the STRS and identify the impact of COVID-19 on referral service delivery.

Audit of South Thames Retrieval Service (STRS) Respiratory Retrieval: Has COVID-19 impacted the activity and efficiency? To what does this refer Research Project Summary The effects of COVID-19 on paediatric patients are mainly mild, and the mortality rate is low. However, little is known about how COVID-19 impacts paediatric respiratory patterns. This study will explore … Read more