Compose a paper on an Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic and Retail Sales of consumer goods emphasizing on quality rather than quantity, and its structure.

Microeconomics Compose a paper on an Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic and Retail Sales of consumer goods emphasizing on quality rather than quantity, and its structure. The paper should be at least 10 pages in length without the Title Page. Use Times New Roman font size 11 or 12 and double space your paper.

Investigates how COVID-19 impacted the hospitality industry and discuss the business strategies implemented by hospitality organization to alleviate the effects the pandemic had on their business operations.

Hospitality Business Strategy during the COVID-19 Pandemic Based on the UNWTO (2020) report, international tourism dropped by 78%, which resulted in a loss of more than $1.2 trillion and leading to massive job losses in the sector resulting in the decline of visitor demand causing the financial crisis in countries dependable on tourism to support … Read more

Using an organisation of your choice as an example, write an essay on how the organisation can design, host, market, and host a digital platform to offer its products and/or services online.

Digital technologies in business and society Your expertise in the application of digital technologies in business and society is required as the world slowly recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. Many organisations are leveraging digital technologies to redesign products, services, business models, etc. and to support their digital transformation drive. For instance, with the support of … Read more

How did COVID-19 impact consumer and business confidence among the world’s largest economies?

Macroeconomic Analysis of a Pandemic – COVID-19, Economic Growth, and Unemployment. The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the global economy in an unparalleled fashion. Each step of this three-part core assessment will challenge you to apply key macroeconomic theory concepts to this real-world case study (that we all lived through). In this unit, you are … Read more

Explain how the Work-From-Home arrangement contributed to workers’ low productivity.

Explain how the Work-From-Home arrangement contributed to workers’ low productivity. 1,000 words (excludes list of references); Font size 12; Times New Roman. Question: Remote working during the covid-19 pandemic not only change the workplace but also bring new challenges for organisations. One of these challenges is low productivity among employees. Using an example from a … Read more

Pharmaceutical company that produces a product that is with patent protection and are a monopoly. Explain why they are considered a oligopoly How has the costly requirements of research and development along with patent protection affected the market structure of the pharmaceutical industry before covid-19?

H 7.2 Select : Pharmaceutical company that produces a product that is with patent protection and are a monopoly. Explain why they are considered a oligopoly How has the costly requirements of research and development along with patent protection affected the market structure of the pharmaceutical industry before covid-19?

A look at variables that can cause fraud, IE board pressure on directors to perform, are they given stock options ?Explain.

Japanese Lifestyle During World War II An introduction about research done on fraud culture and how topical it has become. You can also explain that with more legislation there is still an increasing rise of fraud, which indicates that it is internal as its the culture within the organisation. A look at variables that can … Read more

COVID-19 Pandemic : Explain how “COVID-19 Pandemic” has created a significant issue/challenge/problem on officeworks company in 2021 and how “Systems Thinking Approach” can assist in making optimal decisions.

COVID-19 Pandemic Explain how “COVID-19 Pandemic” has created a significant issue/challenge/problem on officeworks company in 2021 and how “Systems Thinking Approach” can assist in making optimal decisions. 500 WORDS