Discuss which contemporary service model you believe to be the most appropriate for the above case scenario.

Explain the Gestalt Therapy methods. Module 04 Content Part 1: Read Consider the following case scenario:Brent, a 50 year old married male is having anxiety about his young adult daughter Rachel, who in the past year has graduated from high school and is now freshman at a large university. Brent is worried that his daughter … Read more

What plans can high school counselors develop when they have a teenager in their office asking for and needing advice and information about behaviors about which their parents would be disapproving?

Counselors 1. Parents are naturally protective of the privacy of their families and are frequently uncomfortable with school personnel having access to private family information. They are also rightfully concerned about what happens to their children at school. How can school counselors respect those wishes and yet still serve adolescent students who want to discuss … Read more