Are you aware of how your own culture influences the way you think, feel, and act?

Group Counseling: Cultural Self Portrait. Take an inventory of your current level of awareness, knowledge, and skills that have a bearing on your ability to function effectively in multicultural situations by reflecting on these questions. Summarize your reflections with a 750-1000 essay. Use APA format. 1. Are you aware of how your own culture influences … Read more

What motivated you to enter the field of substance use disorder counseling?

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Certificate . 1.What motivated you to enter the field of substance use disorder counseling? 2. What steps have you taken to prepare for this new career? 3. What is/are your career goal(s) once you completed the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Certificate? Indicate any professional certification or graduate programs you intend to … Read more

Examine violations of power and trust.List examples of people who may potentially have some power over you or have information you have entrusted to them.

Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy APA style paper Examine violations of power and trust.List examples of people who may potentially have some power over you or have information you have entrusted to them. How might they be able to use this information against you? Why can your therapist not be the same person whom you … Read more

After you have reviewed , select a professional issue of interest to you that may arise during the various stages of counseling and reflect on how a CJ Practitioner might address the issue in an appropriate manner.

 CJ Practitioner Dealing with dual relationships as a counselor/therapist and as a CJ practitioner. There are several other professional issues that may arise during the various stages of counseling. After you have reviewed , select a professional issue of interest to you that may arise during the various stages of counseling and reflect on how … Read more

Sexuality in Counseling Write on what challenges may exist as you envision yourself in the role of helper to others regarding sexual issues.What are your values pertaining to sexuality?

Sexuality in Counseling Write on what challenges may exist as you envision yourself in the role of helper to others regarding sexual issues.What are your values pertaining to sexuality? An interesting topic area for some; for others, one that should be avoided. This is true for the larger culture as well and not only for … Read more

How important do you think the use of language will be in learning counseling skills and in understanding and supporting students, parents, and educators as a school counselor candidate?

Counseling. 1. How important do you think the use of language will be in learning counseling skills and in understanding and supporting students, parents, and educators as a school counselor candidate? 2.If you were in a counseling session with one of the students, their parents, and an educator, what questions would you ask them so … Read more

How could one operate as a counselor from a Christian worldview and not impose values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors onto your clients?

Based on the definitions given in : Introduction to Counseling by: Simmons, Robyn T. / Lilley, Stacey C. / Kuhnley, Anita M. Knight (Chap 4: pages 151-157) Chapter for a Christian counselor, pastoral counselor, lay counselor, biblical counselor, and professional counselor with a Christian worldview, which  roles currently  identify with or aspire to the most … Read more

The Counseling Relationship-Defining counseling, the purpose of counseling.

The Counseling Relationship Defining counseling, the purpose of counseling Your philosophy of helping and reasons why you want to be a counselor. Identifying characteristics of effective helpers and providing examples of your personal strengths/limitations related to these characteristics. Discuss a systems approach to working with clients as well as theories and models for counseling and … Read more