How particular social contexts can shape decisions and, despite the best intentions of individuals involved, result in socially undesirable consequences.

Corporate Governance, Ethics, and Responsibility Case, HR decision At your company, imagine an HR manager who is hiring two employees. Assume that the top two candidates, one male and one female, are equally qualified and that the HR manager wishes to hire both. Assume that the HR manager himself will get evaluated, in part, by … Read more

What are some of the key success factors related to location decision?

Based on the forecast, will the production/service level increase or decrease in the future? Why Operation Management Research Group • Names : • Name of company: Example: Saudi Airline Company Name • Introduction • Location • Production • Main competitors Forecasting • What is forecasting? • Why forecasting is important. • The company in which … Read more

What were the court’s findings on the matter, and why do you agree or disagree

The plaintiffs allege negligent hiring against the corporate defendant. 200 Word Journal Entry Instructions Read the attached Case Study. Reflect on the four questions below. What is the rationale for your opinions? Is Acuna’s prior criminal conviction relevant to the case at all? What were the court’s findings on the matter, and why do you … Read more