Pathophysiology : Identify the ABG results.Considering AB’s history, what is the most likely cause of her respiratory distress? Why?What diagnostic findings would help to confirm this diagnosis?

Pathophysiology Build a table to compare and contrast asthma and COPD. Be sure to include signs and symptoms, causes, and the pathophysiology associated with one treatment modalities. Be certain to cite at least one scholarly evidence- based article that is current (less than 5 years old). Or as an alternative: Read the case study below … Read more

Health History and Medical Information : Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mrs. J., presented below.

Health History and Medical Information Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mrs. J., presented below. Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below. Health History Mrs. J. is a 63-year-old married woman who has a history of hypertension, chronic heart … Read more

Airway and breathing case study : Discuss in detail the pathophysiology of an infective exacerbation of COPD. How is this related this to Atsuto’s current condition as described above? What evidence exists to show that his condition is well managed or not well managed? Explain your rationale.  Support your discussion with evidence from literature

Airway and breathing case study (word count between these counts cannot be less than minimum requirement and cannot be more than maximum word limit) Q1 – minimum 350-500 max words Q2 – min 350-500 maxwords Q3 – 350-600 words Q4 350-600 words   Use your core text books PEER REVIEWED research from the last 5 years – APA … Read more

Respiratory Case Study: discuss the etiology of COPD.what risk factors for COPD does Mrs. M have?what lifestyle restrictions does the patient face?

Respiratory Case Study Read the following case study below and answer the 6 questions at the end. Mrs. M is a 71-year-old female with advanced COPD admitted to the Critical Care Unit (CCU) for progressive respiratory distress. The patient’s respiratory status began deteriorating three months ago following an upper respiratory tract infection. Since then, she … Read more

  What teaching points are you going to give a patient taking Rifampin for TB?

Respiratory questions. 1.  How do you prioritize care for patients with respiratory disorders? Who do you see first, second, etc and why? a.  a patient who has COPD and needs their scheduled meds b.  a patient who had surgery several days prior, and still has chest tubes and is in pain c.  a patient with … Read more