Analyze the datasets provided above. Pretend that you are a consultant and prepare the reports for industry.

Quantitative Methods Assignment Assignment 2 – Spending Assignment 2 – Employment Assignment 2 – Change In Spending Analyze the datasets provided above. Pretend that you are a consultant and  prepare the reports for industry. Your boss hates typos and you want to keep your job, so make sure everything is well formatted and that the … Read more

As a consultant you create a Consumer Acquisition and Retention plan for e’Khaya Restaurant.

Operations and Project Planning. E’Khaya is a family owned African restaurant based in Tipton in the UK. This location has residents from various migrant groups including the English community. The owners have focused mainly on serving African cuisine since they opened the restaurant in 2014. However, the restaurant has been losing customers including those known … Read more

Describe how the spread of tuberculosis could be controlled using a whole system approach. Describe its main features and why this programme would be effective.

Case study Imagine you have started work as a consultant to advise on the control of tuberculosis in a health region with a population of 500,000 people and an annual incidence of 150 cases per 100,000 people. • Describe how the spread of tuberculosis could be controlled using a whole system approach. Describe its main … Read more

Describe the role of consultant during the intervention.Categorize the competencies and ethical behaviors needed for the intervention.

Intervention Describe the role of consultant during the intervention. Categorize the competencies and ethical behaviors needed for the intervention. Define the recommended research methods that will be utilized during the intervention. Describe recommended data collection and evaluation methods during the intervention. Define a timeline for the intervention process. Identify anticipated resistance to the change and … Read more

Assume the role of a consultant responsible for assessing a client’s business operations and making recommendations for an accounting information system. Prepare a written recommendation for the automation of a client’s accounting system.

Milestone Create a table that identifies weaknesses, potential threats, and potential internal controls, along with a brief paper describing the required data elements and the resulting relational database tables. Assume the role of a consultant responsible for assessing a client’s business operations and making recommendations for an accounting information system. Prepare a written recommendation for … Read more

Produce a model using Excel, which could be used by the Students’ Union Shop management team for evaluation of their performance using the data provided or any new data that becomes available in a similar format.

Individual report and excel modelling. You are employed as a consultant for the Students’ Union Shop and should : • Report on their current business, pointing out any existing problems; • Suggest improvements to their current strategies; • Provide them with an efficient tool for easily evaluating their current performance using the data provided or … Read more

Consultant: inventory and categorize your selected organization’s information systems according to the “three fundamental types of information systems” .

Consultant Imagine you are a consultant hired by your current employer or an organization you are familiar with. Inventory and categorize your selected organization’s information systems according to the “three fundamental types of information systems” . Determine what benefits this organization is realizing from each information system type. Discuss any additional benefits this organization could … Read more