Write from a conservative viewpoint of interpretive commentary: 2 Kings 17 – 20 

Write from a conservative viewpoint of interpretive commentary: 2 Kings 17 – 20  Use the sources below with additional ones needed to meet requirement: Bibliography Cabal, Ted, and Chad Owen. The Apologetics Study Bible: understand why you believe. Holman Bible Publ., 2007. Dilday, Russell H. The Preacher’s Commentary-Vol. 09: 1 and 2 Kings. Thomas Nelson, … Read more

Analysis and Critique Research Stage: write from a conservative viewpoint your argument on as follows statement.

Analysis and Critique Research Stage Write from a conservative viewpoint your argument on as follows statement. Statement: Unlike Christianity that believes in the Holy Trinity, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ ideologies refute this concept and consider it unorthodox because they argue God and Jesus are two different entities, making it unbiblical to claim Christological loyalty to God since … Read more