Create a case conceptualization of 250-500 words involving a fictitious couple experiencing one of the eight types of love .

Conceptualization Create a case conceptualization of 250-500 words involving a fictitious couple experiencing one of the eight types of love . Include a description of the relationship and some characteristics the couple exhibits. Do not use any personal information or information related to current cases you are working on.

Identify how diversity, cultural and contextual frameworks and factors influence conceptualization, goal setting, and treatment.

Case Conceptualization Paper and Literature Review Case_Study_Joseph Integrate theory into a case study, research literature in support of a case conceptualization and implement case conceptualization, planning, and counseling interventions within the case study. Identify how diversity, cultural and contextual frameworks and factors influence conceptualization, goal setting, and treatment. Structure • Length of Assignment: The text … Read more

Statistical Sociology: Demonstrate application of the skills learned throughout the semester to a social science research topic of interest to you.

Statistical Sociology Demonstrate application of the skills learned throughout the semester to a social science research topic of interest to you. FORMAT: Should be 4-5 double-spaced pages in length, with page numbers clearly labelled. Include the following sections: Research Topic and Research Question Justification of Research Question Literature Review Conceptualization Operationalization Sampling Plan Citation List