EQUITY AND TRUSTS : Do you agree with these proposals or are you in favour of the separation? Support your answers by appropriate references to the relevant literature.

EQUITY AND TRUSTS Question 1: 1000 words (50 Marks)The Judicature Acts of 1873 and 1875 abolished the Common Law and Equity Courts and replaced them with a single High Court, whose divisions can apply both common law and equity rules and principles. The elimination of the division at the court level has led to proposals … Read more

Common Law and Adjudication: Examine what claim could be brought against the supplier (DCL) for the incorrectly supplied and installed insulation boards, what would have to be proved and what defences the supplier could advance to avoid liability.

Common Law and Adjudication Duckdown Contracting Ltd (‘DCL’) provides insulation material and fabrications for residential construction projects to ensure that the requirements under Part L2a Building Regulations are met, along with the expected forthcoming changes in 2022. On one project under way, Cotswolds Studios Ltd (‘CSL’) has started to install fabricated duck feather cavity wall … Read more

Common Law; Contracts, Tort and Adjudication: prepare, present and defend a case in relation to a professional practice scenario related to their area of study.

Common Law; Contracts, Tort and Adjudication1. Competently analyze legal problems into their components in order to advise clients. 2. Construct a logical legal argument in support of a point of view. 3. Prepare, present and defend a case in relation to a professional practice scenario related to their area of study.  

Minimal convergence of criminal procedure has occurred in recent developments in the common law and civil law legal families. critically discuss with reference to at least three criminal jurisdictions, including at least one example from the common law and one example from the civil law legal families.

Minimal convergence of criminal procedure has occurred in recent developments in the common law and civil law legal families. Critically discuss with reference to at least three criminal jurisdictions, including at least one example from the common law and one example from the civil law legal families.

Explain the variability of quasi contract recovery among the states .using FindLaw.com, http://www.law.cornell.edu/opinions.html#state

Sometimes, common law varies slightly from state to state. Find out whether the common law, as to when a person can recover using quasi contract, varies among the states in your region. Using FindLaw.com, http://www.law.cornell.edu/opinions.html#state , or the search engine of your choice, locate one case in your current state and one case in three … Read more