Summarize the differences between perceived and objective realities and how our perceptions negotiate what we believe to be true.

Reality VS Perceptions Summarize the differences between perceived and objective realities and how our perceptions negotiate what we believe to be true. Discuss how the following affect one’s perception of reality and rational decision making. Attribution theory Bias Bounded rationality Cognitive biases Conjunction fallacy Primacy and recency effects Selective perceptions Contrast effect, and Stereotyping Consider … Read more

Cognitive Biases in the Workplace: which of the cognitive biases would you address? why would you address these cognitive biases?

Cognitive Biases in the Workplace Which of the cognitive biases would you address? Why would you address these cognitive biases? What exercises would you use to identify cognitive biases? What “push-back” might you expect from your co-workers? Why? If you worked in a different industry, what different biases might you face? How might you address … Read more

Analysis of Personal Beliefs and Biases : list and then describe a minimum of three things you believe to be true, such as the existence of God, right vs. wrong, morality, and what it means to be a “good” person.

Analysis of Personal Beliefs and Biases Who are you? What do you believe? What cognitive biases do you have? In a one- to two-page paper, consider the people and experiences that have shaped how you see yourself, how you see life, and, most importantly, how they have shaped your biases. List and then describe a … Read more