Research the developmental topic using the UMGC library, focusing on fundamental issues, questions, and controversies that bear relevance to the developmental stage you have selected

What are the Issues paper is an integrative assignment that supports synthesis and the three learning outcomes for the course Applied Final Project: What are the Issues – An Investigative Essay This assignment will leverage your curiosity and reinforce your understanding of lessons learned throughout the course. It will invite you to explore your ideas … Read more

Submit a scholarly paper discussing why you should consider elementary school children as a special media audience.

Respond to the following prompt ( 400 – 500 words). Based upon your Module 6 Reading, Potter, Chapter 5: Children as a Special Media Audience. Submit a scholarly paper discussing why you should consider elementary school children as a special media audience. Explain the children’s cognitive, emotional and moral development and how that affects how … Read more

Select a classroom set-up tool from your research, and use a design program of your choice to create an environment map for a preschool classroom.

Environment Map. Select a classroom set-up tool from your research, and use a design program of your choice to create an environment map for a preschool classroom. Include furniture and materials that would support children’s physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional development on the map. Write a 350-word summary of your environment map that includes: … Read more

Which cognitive, motivational and emotional components seem to be related to the learning mathematics? Discuss with particular reference to recent scientific literature.

Which cognitive, motivational and emotional components seem to be related to the learning mathematics? Discuss with particular reference to recent scientific literature. Minimum of 1100 words and a maximum of 1300. Harvard Paper format.

Demonstrate the use of these skills to critically reflect on the ‘self’, identity and social location.cognitive, technical, and creative skills including critical and structural analysis and critical reflection.

Critical Refection Essay Demonstrate the use of these skills to critically reflect on the ‘self’, identity and social location. Cognitive, technical, and creative skills including critical and structural analysis and critical reflection. Length 2500 words, excluding reference list