What modes/levels of treatment would you recommend for this client? Be sure to list them in the priority in which they need to be addressed.

Co-Occurring Disorders: Case Study #2 – Robert. Robert is a 36-year-old attorney presenting at the urging of his husband, who unexpectedly came home during a weekday and discovered Robert smoking cocaine in their living room. Robert reports a 5-year history of cocaine use, beginning with casual use at a party with colleagues from his law … Read more

Choose one of these drugs (Heroin, Cocaine or Marijuana) and describe what historical impact has legislation had on the availability legality of the drug?

DRUGS AND CRIMES Choose one of these drugs (Heroin, Cocaine or Marijuana) and describe the following: How did the drug initially arrive in the United States? Was the drug received favorably or negatively by main stream society? What historical impact has legislation had on the availability legality of the drug?  

Pick a substance between cocaine or opioids and explain Why you picked this particular substance?What are the proper medical uses?How is the drug being abused?How is this effecting society?How do you primarily treat the abuse of this drug?What does appropriate aftercare look like?

Drug abuse Pick a substance between cocaine or opioids and explain Why you picked this particular substance?What are the proper medical uses?How is the drug being abused?How is this effecting society?How do you primarily treat the abuse of this drug?What does appropriate aftercare look like? The findings will be compiled in a 4-page report to … Read more