Discuss two or three scenes that create the inspirational quality of the movie.

Movie Evaluation Your assignment is to write a 1,000-word analytical movie evaluation over a movie on the AFI’s Top 100 Inspirational Films. In the introduction, provide the production facts of the movie, such as when it was produced; producer & director; major actors; awards; financial success; screenwriter. Document the source of this information with an … Read more

Pick a single scene from ″Moonlight″ movie by Barry Jenkins. Analyze the cinematography and/or mise-en-scene, making an argument that connects the formal elements to a deeper meaning of the film.

Moonlight Pick a single scene from ″Moonlight″ movie by Barry Jenkins. Analyze the cinematography and/or mise-en-scene, making an argument that connects the formal elements to a deeper meaning of the film. Use your own words to describe it. In case of using outside sources make citations in MLS format

Choose one of the clips from the “Cinematography” section and analyze the use of cinematography in one short paragraph.

Editing and Cinematography: Movement and Transition (Moonlight). Choose one of the clips from the “Editing” section and analyze the use of editing in one short paragraph. Describe the transitions between specific shots and the overall effect this has on the scene. Choose one of the clips from the “Cinematography” section and analyze the use of … Read more