Locate and summarize a reliable internet article that relates to any of the following topics.

Unit 2 Locate and summarize a reliable internet article that relates to any of the following topics. Chromosomes and Cell Division; Genes and Inheritance; or DNA, Gene Expression and Biotechnology. Double-spaced assignment (10-12 point font). Appropriately reference the article you use for the assignment using MLA format

Genetic disorder Sickle Cell Anemia:Describe the genes involved in this disorder, the pattern of inheritance, frequency, and who is affected by the disorder.

Genetic disorder Sickle Cell Anemia. Describe the symptoms. Provide a medical description of the disorder. Include a picture of some important aspect of the disorder. What are the symptoms & how soon do they appear? Provide pictures & a written description of symptoms. What proteins, tissues, organs or systems are affected? Describe the genes involved … Read more