How has learning about fat and protein affected your motivation to eat a healthier, more balanced diet?

What are two foods that you can swap in order to Sugar, Fiber, and Calories Your Tasks Task 1- Food Log You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals and snacks that you ate throughout each day. You can choose to track this using Cronometer or the provided Word document. … Read more

List five suggestions for Mrs. Smith’s diet. Provide only changes that address the goals with her meal planning as mentioned above. Highlight which food she should omit/change and with what you would replace it.

Scenario Below is a sample one-day menu for Mrs. Smith. Her doctor just told her she is at risk for developing heart disease since her cholesterol is a little high. The doctor has asked her to meet with a registered dietitian to learn more about heart-healthy fats to include and which unhealthy fats to limit. … Read more

‘Plant sterols may help lower cholesterol’:critically evaluate scientific evidence regarding that same health claim.

‘Plant sterols may help lower cholesterol’ Length: 600 words ; Purpose: In Australia, we spend hundreds of billions of dollars every year in the pursuit of greater health. One result of this tendency is that we find ourselves bombarded with health claims: claims about how a food or other product can improve one’s health. As … Read more