Compose a list of three ways in which this diagnostic label could potentially alter the course of Charlie’s life.

ADHD Charlie, a six year old in the first grade, has just been diagnosed with ADHD by his family physician. Compose a list of three ways in which this diagnostic label could potentially alter the course of Charlie’s life. Discuss the information that you would like to have that would help you determine if Charlie’s … Read more

American Short Story : How is Charlie a living representative of the era during which the story is set the early 1930s?  Offer examples from the text.

American Short Story critical brief How is Charlie a living representative of the era during which the story is set—the early 1930s?  Offer examples from the text. To what degree is Charlie ready, or not ready, to put the “bad old days” firmly behind him, for the sake of having his daughter returned to his … Read more

Stages of Change:CASE STUDY:what stage of change is Charlie in?justify and explain your answer. how will you help Charlie proceed to the next stage of change?

Stages of Change CASE STUDY Charlie is a 41 year old male who has been participating in counseling for three months. Charlie was initially referred by his Employee Assistance Program for concerns about his alcohol consumption. Charlie initially presented as ambivalent about achieving sobriety and demonstrated resistance to giving up his lifestyle of social drinking. … Read more