Building an Effective Team:Scenario: Create an overview of what should be considered when developing teams and based on the scenario  develop a plan with the following sections.

Building an Effective Team Scenario Assume you are a consultant hired by an established medium-sized manufacturing corporation with 250 employees. It directly markets one unique product. The corporation is run by a new CEO and 11 other executives who have been with the organization for varying lengths of time. The new CEO has an aggressive … Read more

Ethical Issue: why do you think the CEO decided to report 4 ratios instead of the 11 prepared?

Ethical Issue As Beacon Company controller, you are responsible for informing the board of directors about its financial activities. At the board meeting, you present the following information.    2017              2016                 2015 Sales trend percent                        147.0%            135.0%             100.0% Selling expenses to sales               10.1%              14.0%              15.6% Sales to plant assets … Read more

Explain how you would use “The Five Whys” in the following scenario:

Discussion Board Post This week you read about “The Five Whys”. Watch the following videos for more information on this technique: Explain how you would use “The Five Whys” in the following scenario: Last month, the Electronic Health Records system was down for over 12 hours. This lead to many departments getting behind on their … Read more

Financial Statement Analysis: provide an example of company that has mismanaged inventory and discuss how these mistakes inevitably affected their profitability.

Financial Statement Analysis Management of a company’s inventory can influence the overall profitability of a business. Provide an example of company that has mismanaged inventory and discuss how these mistakes inevitably affected their profitability. Assume you work for this company and the CEO approached you and asked for advice on how to improve the inventory … Read more

Write a minimum of 2 pages for the Introduction and Situation Overview portions for your Marketing Plan to address the situation in the case study.

East Central Regional Hospital Marketing Plan Important note about the team project: You are creating a Marketing Plan for ECRH. There should be absolutely no generic discussion in a Marketing Plan. Every line in these team assignments should relate directly to ECRH. Any generic marketing discussion will lower the team’s grade. Explain your knowledge of … Read more

You have been hired as a business consultant to prepare a report for the  of the organization and outline the actions she should take to boost the company’s performance.

Individual Written Case Analysis You have been hired as a business consultant to prepare a report for the  of the organization and outline the actions she should take to boost the company’s performance. Using strategic models you have learned, your report should contain detailed and convincing reasons to support each one of your recommendations. It … Read more

Describe the company you have chosen and the topic for which you believe data collection and analysis will benefit that company.

Describe the company you have chosen and the topic for which you believe data collection and analysis will benefit that company. You are a consultant hired to inform a company (a profit or a non-profit) why they should invest in a data analytics function and what they stand to gain. The client company is relatively … Read more

Demonstrate an understanding of the key approaches, theories and concepts that inform strategic management

Select a Healthcare Organization of your choice and find their existing strategic plan. If you are currently working in a healthcare organization, you may choose to discuss your own organization and its strategic plan. If not, you can select an organization whose strategic plan you have access to or are able to find online.  You … Read more

Cameron mechanical and automation, Inc. (CMA): what suggestions would you offer the chief executive officer of CMA regarding team development?

Scenario: Cameron Mechanical & Automation, Inc. (CMA) (CMA) is a fictional company that has been in business and operating in the Silicon Valley since 1998. The company began as a successful Internet–based company (dot–com) and experienced great success with the introduction of high technology. The company also experienced decline with other dot–coms in 2001. As … Read more