Collect information on the variables that are the drivers of this multiple.

Divide by the number of shares to get to the value of equity per share. Corporate finance Make an estimate of the value of the business and the value of equity and compare to the current market price. 5.Re-estimate the value of the business and the value of equity, with changes that you see as … Read more

Describe the chosen legal status (corporate structure) of your firm in detail, clearly showing why this particular structure is appropriate and why other options were dismissed. Describe how you will manage the organization, including human resources.

Property business you are to assume that you are part of a new Real Estate firm that gives advice and consultancy services to the real estate market. Your firm is about to relocate for strategic reasons to central London. You are due to meet with the bank to present your case for applying for a … Read more

Funding: research current estimated APRs for your selected sources of funding.

Funding. Research current estimated APRs for your selected sources of funding. Create a table or chart to display this information. Estimate direct costs, including capital, marketing, labor, equipment, and inventory/supply costs. Prepare a budget that includes starting balances, monthly costs, loan/investment payments, cash flow projections, and required revenue. Create a profit-and-loss statement for a 3-year … Read more