Describe your duties on an average work day-What does a ‘normal’ day look like?

Provide a summary of the airport your interviewee works at Final Project – Interview Instructions This project involves connecting with a real-world airport operations employee.  It includes interviewing an individual that is currently employed as an airport/airfield operations agent (or some title closely related-not airline/cargo).  The person must perform functions and inspections in order to … Read more

Spirit Airlines: choose an Airline which can be passenger or cargo and conduct research about the company the demonstrate your knowledge about a specific airline using the principles and knowledge gained. 

Spirit Airlines Choose an Airline which can be passenger or cargo and conduct research about the company the demonstrate your knowledge about a specific airline using the principles and knowledge gained. Each paper must be a minimum of 5 pages of content, typed, double spaced, and include a list of references. The title page,table of … Read more