Model the gastric digestion of protein and evaluate the effect of pH on the process.

BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES AND ENZYMES• Describe the function of enzymes in the digestion of food. • Describe the chemical composition of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. • Describe the chemical tests performed on food and explain the results. • Model the gastric digestion of protein and evaluate the effect of pH on the process. • Model the … Read more

Identify essential dietary guidelines for the athlete including daily protein requirements, carbohydrate requirements, and carbohydrate requirements following heavy exertion.

Dietary guidelines Identify essential dietary guidelines for the athlete including daily protein requirements, carbohydrate requirements, and carbohydrate requirements following heavy exertion.

Osteoarthritis : Explain the role of derivatives of carbohydrates (glucosamine and vitamin C) in the management and treatment of osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis Explain the role of derivatives of carbohydrates (glucosamine and vitamin C) in the management and treatment of osteoarthritis. First part of the essay: Osteoarthritis 1. The problem • The prevalence • data from statistical Search up: epidemiology of arthritis For statistics either use worldwide or just the UK (don’t mention the US alone). 2. … Read more