Imagine you are doing security analysis on some of the stocks, what happens when you change the expected return? Select a security of your choice and analyze the results.

Analytical Research Report on a Portfolio Management Problem. • Using the historical mean as the expected return, use the portfolio optimization procedure in the Excel sheet to determine the portfolio weights of the optimal risky portfolio and the optimal complete portfolio. Select your own estimate of risk aversion for the individual stating what would happen … Read more

International Investments : Critically discuss Portfolio Theory and the CAPM.

International Investments 2000 WORDS: 1. Critically discuss Portfolio Theory and the CAPM. The discussion should include assumptions and shortcomings of the model and possible alternatives. (20 marks) 2. Select a company ensuring it issues Equity, Bonds and Options and that is listed on the FTSE100. Present a short summary of its business, with focus on … Read more