Examine the formal elements of architectural design present such as pattern and repetition, rhythm, symmetry and asymmetry, balance, contrast, proportion and scale, theme and variation, and coherence and unity in variety.

British Columbia Parliament Building. Select an architectural work from the architectural works displayed in the assignment folder for this assignment. You will be examining your selected piece in terms of both its Form and Function. Provide a formal analysis of this piece using material presented in class on the formal elements of architectural design (this … Read more

Examine the impact and implications of natural catastrophes on Provincial Parks in British Columbia, Canada.

The impact and implications of natural catastrophes on Provincial Parks in British Columbia, Canada. Examine the impact and implications of natural catastrophes on Provincial Parks in British Columbia, Canada. 1. Conduct a literature overview. Use subtitles for different disciplines and fields of inquiry from the literature you are drawing from?. Remember to speak about interdisciplinarity. … Read more