Fintech : Do you think fintech in general has or has not disrupted traditional finance and/or financial services? Support your arguments with evidence.

Fintech The length of the essay is 2,000 words (+/- 10%) excluding cover page, references, and appendices. Required: Conduct a case study on how financial technology (fintech) has disrupted (or has not) traditional finance and/or financial services and markets. Your case study needs to include the following elements:   Do you think fintech in general … Read more

Euro politics paper-Outline the position of the government of Teresa May on Brexit and explain the debates within the Tory Party on the issue.

Euro politics paper What is a Tory? In answering this question, you must cite the readings from Samuel Beer and Philip Norton. What is the Tory position on Brexit? Outline the position of the government of Teresa May on Brexit and explain the debates within the Tory Party on the issue.