Research Proposal : What factors contribute to the development of chemotherapy sensitivity/intolerance in African American females age 65 years and older diagnosed with breast cancer?

Research Proposal What factors contribute to the development of chemotherapy sensitivity/intolerance in African American females age 65 years and older diagnosed with breast cancer? Calibri 11 Use proper in-text citation according to APA 7th Minimum number references: 15

Explain the type of treatment regimen you would recommend for treating your patient, including the choice or pharmacotherapeutics you would recommend and explain why.

Breast cancer. A 46-year-old, 230lb woman with a family history of breast cancer. She is up to date on yearly mammograms. She has a history of HTN. She complains of hot flushing, night sweats, and genitourinary symptoms. She had felt well until 1 month ago and she presented to her gynecologist for her annual gyn … Read more

Breast cancer: Write a research paper on Breast cancer based the following format.

Breast cancer Write a research paper on Breast cancer based the following format: Title of the paper Introduction : why do you write this paper and what are trying to achieve as a goal. Put a history. Discussion: Epidemiology, Anatomy, Physiology review, Physiopathology, pathology, and consequences if any, Treatment, research trial, comparison with the literature. … Read more

Breast Cancer: discuss the cancer pathway including cancer control, rehabilitation and survivorship.

Breast Cancer Evaluate the nursing assessment, care and management of people requiring key and common treatment modalities and relate it to the underlying pathology. Discuss the cancer pathway including cancer control, rehabilitation and survivorship. Explore the experience of a person living with cancer Integrate the physiological impact of cancer treatment to the clinical presentation of … Read more

Breast Cancer- Identify the methodology and measures for screening. Include the risk factors, risk assessment, testing interval, description of the patient population,screening test recommendations and other factors relative to the guideline.

Breast Cancer. Explain the guideline, the correct application of the screening, and the epidemiology behind the guidance. Identify the methodology and measures for screening. Include the risk factors, risk assessment, testing interval, description of the patient population,screening test recommendations and other factors relative to the guideline. Discuss the guideline’s support in a critical analysis, based … Read more