Where is gender more salient? Less? How so? And why do you think that is?

How does this shape your experiences Higher education as a gendered institution.Sociology We’ve introduced the idea that education is a gendered institution governed by norms and policies and that the salience of gender often ebbs and flows across different contexts, activities, and spaces. Consider the particular organization in which you are now embedded: college. Brainstorm … Read more

How might they utilize machine learning to create advanced analytics and business intelligence?

Group Assignment 6 – Business Intelligence & AI Part One Based on your organization’s business model, what business analytics might help your organization? What analytics might assist them in Digital Transformation?  Brainstorm 6-8 ideas. Focus on unique opportunities for their business model/industry/product base. Avoid listing generic reports (e.g., Personal File listing, Income Statement, etc.).  This … Read more

Social Media Campaign : Choose and brainstorm a one Social Media Campaign scenario which is provided below, create a social media campaign for the organization.

Social Media Campaign Choose and brainstorm a one Social Media Campaign scenario which is provided below, create a social media campaign for the organization. 1. A new market, sparkling water company would like to generate buzz about their new product. 2. A local non-profit organization that helps veterans find jobs is in need of additional … Read more

Choose the topic you care about and write a 5 page argumentative essay about it.

Argumentative Essay Rubric Choose the topic you care about and write a 5 page argumentative essay about it. 1. Take your stand on one of the debatable social, economic, or moral issues. 2. Think of the three (four, five) reasons/main points/ arguments that back up your stand. 3. Freewrite/ brainstorm/ cluster on the chosen topic … Read more

How does your way of working compare with the description of the ideal process described above?

It begins with research and problem framing, then falls rapidly into an iterative loop of exploration and refinement exercises, where ideas come to life and grow, gradually solidifying until they’re ready for the more linear finalization phase. As designers, we have to ride this loop repeatedly to find the right solution, and sketching is there … Read more