Determine why a fixed-income security may be offered by a firm, what features it should have in order to be attractive to investors, and what kind of financial results were achieved.

Bonds. Students should select a company that has issued bonds in the last 3 years so that the information sources can provide sufficient financial data for analysis. Students should familiarize themselves with bonds and preferred stock as an investment opportunity and as a source of funds. Determine why a fixed-income security may be offered by … Read more

Accounting: what are bonds, and how does issuing bonds above or below their par value affect the amount of interest expense recorded each accounting period?

Accounting •How does the intent of management (as to length of time) impact how investments are reported? •What are bonds, and how does issuing bonds above or below their par value affect the amount of interest expense recorded each accounting period? •What are the key assumptions upon which accounting depends?