Using the Nice guide lines , explain the risk during the antenatal period and the role of the midwife. What does the midwife need to do? 

Age and BMI in pregnant women Scenario : Mary is 38 years old with a BMI of 33 Using the Nice guide lines , explain the risk during the antenatal period and the role of the midwife. What does the midwife need to do? Make sure you take about DVT and other risks. Reference: nice … Read more

Framingham Heart Study: describe how each characteristic is related to BMI. are crude and multivariable effects similar?

Framingham Heart Study Using the Framingham Heart Study dataset provided, perform the ANOVA multivariable linear regression analysis using BMI as a continuous variable. Before conducting the analysis, be sure that all participants have complete data on all analysis variables. Describe how each characteristic is related to BMI. Are crude and multivariable effects similar? What might … Read more

What is the client’s BMI?identify what screening tools you would use to assess nutritional and exercise knowledge, and why?

Write a 500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at … Read more