Locate and summarize a reliable internet article that relates to any of the following topics.

Unit 2 Locate and summarize a reliable internet article that relates to any of the following topics. Chromosomes and Cell Division; Genes and Inheritance; or DNA, Gene Expression and Biotechnology. Double-spaced assignment (10-12 point font). Appropriately reference the article you use for the assignment using MLA format

The Promises and Perils of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology : In your own words, define nanotechnology and biotechnology.

The Promises and Perils of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology Using the required academic readings and supplemental academic research, address the following while adhering to the Discussion Board : In your own words, define nanotechnology and biotechnology. Summarize the history of nanotechnology or biotechnology. Select a specific example of nanotechnology or biotechnology: Why is your example of … Read more

Biotechnology : Describe in detail the pathways for engineering functional CO2 -concentrating mechanisms into plant chloroplasts.

Biotechnology – Maximum of 500 words for each question Question 1. Describe in detail the pathways for engineering functional CO2 -concentrating mechanisms into plant chloroplasts. Question 2. This question is in two parts, each carrying equal marks. (a) The formal definitions for metabolite identifications have been defined by the Metabolite Standards Initiative.  With particular reference to the identification of tryptophan using GC-MS discuss how Level 2 identification … Read more