Use the 2nd Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms and share thoughts on whether or not the individual protection of this Amendment could infringe on another’s rights.

Bill of Rights Protection of individuals from the government is spelled out in the Bill of Rights. Use the 2nd Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms and share thoughts on whether or not the individual protection of this Amendment could infringe on another’s rights.

How does each amendment in the Bill of Rights reflect an abuse of power Americans experienced leading up the Revolution?

Bill of Rights How does each amendment in the Bill of Rights reflect an abuse of power Americans experienced leading up the Revolution? 5 to 7 pages of your own textual writing, double-spaced, single-sided, and typed with 1” margins and font size of 10-12 pts only—5 pages means written from top to bottom of ALL … Read more

Constitutional Amendments : Write an essay of 1000-1250 words in which you delineate and analyze the various applications of specific provisions of the Bill of Rights to criminal procedure, of the clause you selected above.

Constitutional Amendments Select one of the following clauses in the Constitutional Amendments: Unreasonable Searches Clause (4th Amendment) Double Jeopardy Clause (5th Amendment) Right to Counsel Clause (5th and 6th Amendment) Excessive Bail Clause (8th amendment) Write an essay of 1000-1250 words in which you delineate and analyze the various applications of specific provisions of the … Read more

Bill of Rights : What are the three types of speech protected by the First Amendment? What is meant by the preferred position? List the test for each type of speech.

Bill of Rights 1. What amendments in the Bill of Rights protect those accused of criminal activity? Be sure to identify the protection and reference pertinent court cases. 2. What are the three types of speech protected by the First Amendment? What is meant by the preferred position? List the test for each type of … Read more

Branches of government and the funding sources : Does the state constitution contain a Bill of Rights? If so, what appears to be the most important feature?

Branches of government and the funding sources. Locate your state’s constitution and examine the major elements and articles within it.Review its contents and functions. Search for information about the branches of government and the funding sources for your state government. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that addresses the following: •How are the main components … Read more

Summarize a minimum of three articles. Explicitly state the way(s) in which they relate to the Bill of Rights.

 Bill of Rights Summarize a minimum of three articles. Explicitly state the way(s) in which they relate to the Bill of Rights. Do NOT cut and paste from articles. Summarize in your own words. In each of these stories, do you feel that the Bill of Rights has been violated or upheld? Explain your reasoning … Read more

Describe one argument that supports “stop and frisk” policies.

Read Reflect: As you learned in this week’s readings, many constitutional scholars consider the prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures as one of the most basic freedoms that the Bill of Rights clearly protects. This central freedom supports and protects other essential freedoms, like free speech, press, assembly, and religion. Recently, this core freedom … Read more

Bill of Rights: based on current judicial understanding of the free exercise clause, explain whether the court should rule in the Yoders’ favor?

Bill of Rights The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania passes a law requiring all children to be vaccinated for Hepatitis B before the age of five. Jonas and Jennifer Yoder are members of the Amish faith. They have three children over the age of five whom they have refused to vaccinate based on their religious beliefs. Specifically, … Read more

Compare/contrast the equal rights amendment with the fourteenth amendment. did they deal with separate concepts?explain your answer.

Struggle for Freedom, Civil Liberties and Political Equity Option 1: The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed almost a century ago and has still not been added to the United States Constitution. It is supposed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex. It was first introduced to Congress by Alice … Read more