Putting the Bible Together, how might you frame the big picture of the biblical narrative? What are the central elements in the story, and how is the gospel related to each of these? How does framing the gospel in terms of this big narrative do justice to the unity of the Scriptures?

The Grand Story of the Gospel. Reflecting on your readings in McKnight and Bates, and utilizing the metanarrative options discussed in the Website Article. Putting the Bible Together, how might you frame the big picture of the biblical narrative? What are the central elements in the story, and how is the gospel related to each … Read more

What do you think is the point of the Ruth story in the Bible? Do you think that Ruth and Naomi find a new life and a new home because of their own perseverance or because of the biblical God’s help?

Ruth story in the Bible What do you think is the point of the Ruth story in the Bible? Do you think that Ruth and Naomi find a new life and a new home because of their own perseverance or because of the biblical God’s help? Your response must be at least 300 words in … Read more

God’s Story: how does the topic the death of Jesus connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within the overarching story of the Bible?

God’s Story 1.How does the topic the death of Jesus connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within the overarching story of the Bible? 2.What is important to know about the history, culture, and/or theology surrounding this concept? 3.What was the original meaning of this concept or significance of this person/people within … Read more