Current Assessment: describe your current beliefs and attitudes towards difference.

Current Assessment: Describe your current beliefs and attitudes towards difference. Respond to the following: Have you chosen to retain those of your upbringing or have you modified or replaced them? Identify and discuss biases you now have regarding groups different from yourself (those distinguished from your ethnic or racial heritage, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, income, … Read more

Cultural Competence: write a 1250–1500-word reflection essay on why self-knowledge and understanding a critical step in achieving cultural competence?

Cultural Competence write a 1250–1500-word reflection essay on: 1. Why are self-knowledge and understanding a critical step in achieving cultural competence? 2. How has the “cultural self-assessment” exercise influenced your awareness of personal and professional values, attitudes, and practices, including prejudices and biases? 3. How will your interactions with patients and families change as a … Read more

Explain how the power of language can affect self-expression, identity development and learning.

Understanding one selve First We all have biases that can impact children. Select and complete one of the 14 subtests from the following resource: Teaching Tolerance. (2015). Test yourself for hidden bias. Retrieved from After reviewing your results, explain the following: What you learned from the bias tests (You are not required to include … Read more