Using at least ONE specific example from Kwame Anthony Appiah’s “Race,” clearly and precisely explain the difference between “racism” and “racialism.”

Literary Theories 1. Using at least ONE specific example from Kwame Anthony Appiah’s “Race,” clearly and precisely explain the difference between “racism” and “racialism.” Be as precise and explicit as possible. 2. Using at least ONE specific example from Bennett and Royle’s essay on “Racial difference,” please clearly and precisely explain how Charlotte Brontë’s novel … Read more

What do you take to be the strongest objection to property dualism from either Churchland or Bennett, and does it work?

DUALISM: Address ONE of the following two questions: (a) Can the Knowledge Argument (Jackson) and/or the Zombie Argument  withstand the Phenomenal Concept Strategy (Balog) response? (b) What do you take to be the strongest objection to property dualism from either Churchland or Bennett, and does it work?

Literary Theories : Using at least TWO specific examples from Nealon’s and Giroux’s eighth chapter ONLY (“Space / Time”), clearly and precisely explain how BOTH “space and time are deeply social as opposed to natural phenomena.”

Literary Theories 1. [3 points] In their chapter “Moving pictures,” Bennett and Royle argue that Wordsworth’s “‘spots of time’ can be related to moving pictures in at least three ways.” Using at least ONE specific example from this chapter ONLY, clearly and precisely explain what Wordsworth’s “spots of time” refer to AND explain at least … Read more

Using details and examples from Bennett and Royle’s chapter “Queer” only, clearly and precisely explain what they mean when they say that the word “‘queer’ challenges all gender and sexual essentialisms.”

Shakespeare 1)Using specific details and EXAMPLES from Nealon’s and Giroux’s fifth chapter (“Culture”) ONLY, clearly and precisely define and discuss at least three of the following terms: “high culture,” “popular culture,” “multiculturalism,” “mass culture,” and / or “media culture.” 2) In his Shakespeare: The Basics, Sean McEvoy incorporates examples from Cheek by Jowl’s production of … Read more