Introduction to Humanities U 3: using Beethoven’s “Eroica”, discuss, in detail, the difference between “hearing” and “listening to” music.what specific factors go into “listening”?

Introduction to Humanities U 3 Tenth Edition, 2019 Lee A. Jacobus & F. David Martin McGraw-Hill Education Using Beethoven’s “Eroica”, discuss, in detail, the difference between “hearing” and “listening to” music. What specific factors go into “listening”?

Beethoven, Piano Concerto no. 5:describe the historical events or innovations that characterize the period in which the work was created

Beethoven, Piano Concerto no. 5 in E flat major, Op. 73 (Emperor Concerto), 1809-181 1. Describe the historical events or innovations that characterize the period in which the work was created (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs). 2. Analyze how this work reflects a theme or stylistic characteristic from its period (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs). … Read more