Case study: explain Poiseuille Law and Ohm’s Law.

Case study: A 64 year old obese female presents for a routine medication check. Her diagnosis is hyperlipidemia with lab values: HDL 79 LDL 250 Triglycerides 210. •Explain Poiseuille Law and Ohm’s Law. •Is there an inverse relationship between HDL and atherosclerosis? Explain. •Explain arteriosclerosis. •What do the individual lab values represent?

Post pathophysiology-What is the patho-physiology of atherosclerosis?

Post pathophysiology. Discuss the patho-physiology of atherosclerosis and correlate it to one vascular disease listed in your text. What is the patho-physiology of atherosclerosis? What is the correlation between atherosclerosis and vascular disease you chose? What laboratory and diagnostic data does the nurse look for when assessing the patient suspected of having the vascular disease … Read more