Examine the defining characteristics of AI in light of the constructive alignment and interaction that exists between theories of learning and the different functions of assessment.

Digital Assessment in the Artificial Intelligence Age 3000 words (excluding abstract and references) Examine the defining characteristics of AI in light of the constructive alignment and interaction that exists between theories of learning and the different functions of assessment. On analyzing the respective literature in the fields of assessment and AI,  provide the key underpinnings … Read more

Write a paper on ethical issues related to products liability in healthcare,Laws related to products liability in healthcare and any role of artificial intelligence related to products liability in healthcare.

The Law and Ethics of Products Liability in Healthcare. Write a paper on ethical issues related to products liability in healthcare,Laws related to products liability in healthcare and any role of artificial intelligence related to products liability in healthcare.

Future technology : Discuss the role of Artificial Intelligence in future technology.

Future technology Discuss the role of Artificial Intelligence in future technology. – The scientific essay should introduce the topic, discuss it, and lead to a logical conclusion. – Use relevant data and scientific literature to support the argumentation. – In the paper the claims should be backed up with proper statistical data presented as table, … Read more

Artificial Intelligence : How the rise of Artificial Intelligence is influencing the Content creation.Determine to which extent can AI be creative in the field of content strategy.

Artificial Intelligence How the rise of Artificial Intelligence is influencing the Content creation. Determine to which extent can AI be creative in the field of content strategy. Discuss how AI may impact the startup businesses in terms of content strategy. Determine whether machines may or may not take over content strategy jobs.

Design and implement complete solutions using massive amounts of data based on artificial-intelligence, machine-learning, or statistical-analysis methods.

Data Science program Design and implement complete solutions using massive amounts of data based on artificial-intelligence, machine-learning, or statistical-analysis methods. Design and implement new methods to capture and analyze massive amounts of data. Use and improve existing tools for capturing and analyzing massive amounts of data.    

 Artificial Intelligence: Mankind’s Last Invention : After watching the video,propose several ways A.I. should be used to improve different aspects of the sport industry at least in the near term.

Artificial Intelligence: Mankind’s Last Invention. After watching the video,propose several ways A.I. should be used to improve different aspects of the sport industry at least in the near term.

Artificial Intelligence Trends and Ethics: Issues for Investors : Discuss the uses of AI in Financial services and Financial management and its Positive or negative influences on finance practice and users.

Artificial Intelligence Trends and Ethics: Issues for Investors 1) What is Artificial Intelligence ? 2) Discuss the uses of AI in Financial services and Financial management and its Positive or negative influences on finance practice and users. 3) How AI could be unethical in general?How could it harm the investors?How could they be protected from … Read more