Select one of any of the articles we have covered this semester and describe what you take the principal argument to be.

Fin discussion Select one of any of the articles we have covered this semester and describe what you take the principal argument[s] to be. Aristotle, Kant, Bentham, Mill, Nietzsche. Your answers should be at a minimum one paragraph in length or as long as you like up to a total of two pages.

Provide a brief summary of the author’s argument, focusing on the argument and main points of their argument.

Aristotle, Nursing, and Health Care Ethics. Provide a brief summary of the author’s argument, focusing on the argument and main points of their argument. Provide your response. Your response will require you to provide  a brief argument for it. The total for the paper should be between 750-1000 word.

The Experience Machine : Using at least one quote from the assigned texts, explain Aristotle’s notion of eudaimonia. Then, discuss whether Aristotle would consider someone hooked up to the experience machine to be “happy” in the sense captured by that notion of eudaimonia.

The Experience Machine – Aristotle’s (1931) Nicomachean Ethics. Suppose there were an experience machine that would give you any experience you desired. Super duper neuropsychologists could stimulate your brain so that you would think and feel you were writing a great novel, or making a friend, or reading an interesting book. All the time you … Read more

Compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle on the nature of form and matter. How does Aristotle reconcile Platonic dualism in his view of the unification of essences within material reality?

Nature of Reality 1.Compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle on the nature of form and matter. How does Aristotle reconcile Platonic dualism in his view of the unification of essences within material reality? 2.Explain Descartes method in his Meditations on First Philosophy. How does does his doubt lead to the certainty of “cogito ergo sum.” … Read more

Virtue Ethics : Describe the acorn/oak tree analogy as relevant to Aristotle’s virtue ethics.What is the ultimate goal that Aristotle thinks all action aims at?

Virtue Ethics. • Describe the acorn/oak tree analogy as relevant to Aristotle’s virtue ethics. • What is the ultimate goal that Aristotle thinks all action aims at? • What are external goods? Provide examples and an explanation of their value. • What are internal goods? Provide examples and explanations of them. • Which of the … Read more

Aristotle Critical Analysis Paper : Write a critical analysis of Aristotle’s argument for this position. Provide an analysis of the central argument(s) in the reading. Providing a critical assessment of the argument(s) and respond to potential replies to your assessment.

Aristotle Critical Analysis Paper Aristotle argues that the human good turns out to be activity of the soul exhibiting virtue. Write a critical analysis of Aristotle’s argument for this position. Provide an analysis of the central argument(s) in the reading. Providing a critical assessment of the argument(s) and respond to potential replies to your assessment.

What precisely is the intellectual problem / destabilizing condition that you want your claim to address? The draft above does not identify clearly a specific intellectual problem.

Horror movies “Deadly Illusions.” The analysis of Aristotle’s concepts will be based on the work of Cynthia Freeland, The naked and the Undead, and Tallon Philip’s “Through a mirror, darkly.” Horror films define the nature of human emotions and how well different individuals react to specific scenarios and experiences. Therefore, there can be a better … Read more

Pick one philosopher : Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Arendt and one concept, argument, or theory related to the philosopher you have chosen and write a short essay explaining the philosopher’s understanding of the concept, argument, or theory.

Philosophy Essay 1. Pick one philosopher : Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Arendt and one concept, argument, or theory related to the philosopher you have chosen and write a short essay explaining the philosopher’s understanding of the concept, argument, or theory. 2. This is not an argumentative essay, it is explanatory, demonstrating knowledge of the … Read more

Hallelujah:What are the assumptions presented in this medium regarding what is real in the world?

Hallelujah Evaluate a piece of media from Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen tand then answer the following: What are the assumptions presented in this medium regarding what is real in the world? Does it display, for example, the belief that all is physical or material? Does it allude to reality that cannot be measured scientifically? How … Read more