If you had $50,000 to invest in the stock market, how would you go about reducing your risk exposure?How many different stocks of what types?Explain.

MLA, Single Spaced Part One: Companies A and B are direct competitors in their market. Each has just announced year-end results as follows: COMPANY A: Value of company assets: $120,500,000 Total of company liabilities: $60,500,000 Net Income: $10,600,000 Common Stock Dividends: $2,500,000 Preferred Stock Dividends: $4,000,000 Number of common shares outstanding: 1,000,000 Current Stock Price: … Read more

Focus on a topic of your choice and include a problem statement, theory or conceptual framework.Indicate how the study is a logical, explicit research response to the stated problem and the research questions that will follow.

Conceptual framework Focus on a topic of your choice and include a problem statement, theory or conceptual framework Assignment Instructions: Include the following items in your draft: Write a problem statement with no more than 250 words. Write a purpose statement using the directions below. Include two or three paragraphs about a theory or conceptual … Read more

Merger : What are the risks, and how will you mitigate them? What obstacles could prohibit you from meeting the objectives of the merger, and how will you handle them? How does the deal provide value, considering the objective you are trying to achieve? What can you do to make sure the merger goes smoothly and that shareholder value is achieved?

Merger As before you know that this is the final project. It requires an additional section plus everything you have done in Milestone One, Two and Three. In the recommendations section, you will decide how your company should proceed (see the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document for full details). What are the risks, and … Read more

How might cultural differences impact your ability to communicate clearly and effectively with others? What can you do to ensure messages are clearly exchanged with others?

Large medical facility You are working in a large medical facility. You work with several doctors and nurses from other cultures. How might cultural differences impact your ability to communicate clearly and effectively with others? What can you do to ensure messages are clearly exchanged with others?

Reflection : Watch the following 20 videos and provide a 2-page 1.5-spaced reflection on your impressions of the contents of the videos and what you learned.

Reflection Watch the following 20 videos and provide a 2-page 1.5-spaced reflection on your impressions of the contents of the videos and what you learned. Links to videos: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ecVRoNo9sqGiOJgkUSZjkcsAQFmVeDKF/view    

Capstone Project : Critically think and research on business then develop,create and present a business proposal and business plan in its entirety. 

Capstone Project. Critically think and research on business then develop,create and present a business proposal and business plan in its entirety. You are required to submit a 3-Page (Title Page and 2 Pages of Content), APA formatted paper with substantial content. Sources Cover

 Watch a video and write a thorough one paragraph summary addressing what you learned from each video.

Watch a video and write a thorough one paragraph summary addressing what you learned from each video. Video 1: 14 Interesting Psychological Facts About Dreams Video 2: 15 Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pDxQPWD3L4&list=PLBCF6CD3F609DB9DD&index=111