The Social Network : Choose a film to analyze and create a PowerPoint presentation 20-30 minutes,8-15 page paper should analyze the OB concepts represented in the film.

The Social Network Choose a film to analyze and create a PowerPoint presentation 20-30 minutes,8-15 page paper should analyze the OB concepts represented in the film. The first part of your paper should describe the course concepts and analyze how these concepts are exhibited in the film. Your paper should also include what your team, … Read more

Additive and Direct Digital Manufacturing : Investigate and develop the use of Additive and Direct digital manufacturing with Vestas Blades.

Additive and Direct Digital Manufacturing Investigate and develop the use of Additive and Direct Digital Manufacturing with Vestas Blades. There are 2 pieces required 11000 word essay supporting the main subject and a 3000 word reflective piece.  

Correlational study : Design a correlational study, groups will need two variables with at least five sets of data. between these two variables: time spent playing video games and aggression.

Correlational study Design a correlational study, groups will need two variables with at least five sets of data. between these two variables: time spent playing video games and aggression. 1. Create a hypothesis for the group’s study. Consider the hypothesis and how the group will define operationally and measure the variables. 2. Describe how the … Read more

Psychological knowledge : Choose one research article that includes either physiological or psychological knowledge and discuss how the knowledge would be used to influence the healthcare paradigm.

Psychological knowledge Choose one research article that includes either physiological or psychological knowledge and discuss how the knowledge would be used to influence the healthcare paradigm. You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing.

Fitness cardio assessment :Based on your results and fitness rating, develop a Cardiorespiratory exercise program.

Fitness cardio assessment Measure your personal level of cardiorespiratory fitness. Using the NASM protocols for cardiorespiratory assessment and the attached Labs 3.1-1 through 3.2-3, as criteria for assessment. Assignment #4 WK6 Describe and list the results of your personal cardio respiratory assessment. Your results should include: all elements listed on the document titled “CPT7_cardio_assessment_template” including … Read more

Workforce Structure : Provide information regarding personnel. Include the structure, culture, retention, recruitment, and current trends in the field of human services.

Workforce Structure. Provide information regarding personnel. Include the structure, culture, retention, recruitment, and current trends in the field ofhuman services. a) Explain how the agency’s workforce structure and culture were considered when creating the proposal. Consider relationships between theagency’s workforce culture and its ability to provide comprehensive service delivery. b) Recommend changes to personnel that … Read more

Geographical market : What are some critical environmental factors that need to be considered and analyzed prior to entering a new geographical market? How does the company respond to any liability of foreignness?

Geographical market Evaluate Tata Starbucks’ corporate-level and international strategy using concepts and tools from the course. How have the entries into new geographical markets created value for the company? What are some critical environmental factors that need to be considered and analyzed prior to entering a new geographical market? How does the company respond to … Read more

Intelligence : Which of those three types of intelligence do you think you are best at? Briefly explain why you feel that is your strongest type of intelligence.

Intelligence Read about Sternberg’s three types of intelligence: analytic, practical and creative. Give an example from your own life of a time when you used analytic intelligence. Give an example from your own life where you used practical intelligence. And give an example of a time when you used creative intelligence. Which of those three … Read more