Why are you interested in pursuing a Master of Public Health degree and how will this prepare you for your career?

Submit an essay that answers three key questions, without exceeding 1,500 words: Why are you interested in pursuing a Master of Public Health degree and how will this prepare you for your career? What experiences have led to your pursuit of an MPH? Racism has been identified as a public health crisis by the American … Read more

Protest art: define protest art. what does it mean to you? what kinds of issues to protest artists address?

A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist and political and protest art 1. What is the author’s main argument in this essay? What/who is she criticizing? 2. What is the “single-axis framework” the author is referring to? 3. What is the author’s call to action? What is she suggesting should happen? … Read more