What is the actual F-statistic you will report for this analysis with regards to the overall results?

One Way ANOVA Assignment Steps 1) Download the “ANOVADataSet” .SAV file from D2L2) Open up SPSS and open the .SAV file you just downloaded3) Either from memory or using the PPT slides + Field textbook, complete the steps of hypothesis testing for the data file. a. Research Question: Insert ANOVA question here? 4) Your assignment … Read more

What is the mean weight change for each of the three weight loss program groups? What is the F test statistic value from the ANOVA that you performed in SPSS?

Dataset Information. You are a researcher examining the effect of different weight loss programs on change in weight after four months. You obtain a sample of 150 total patients, all similar ages, who are seeking to lose weight for health reasons with the approval and oversight of their primary care physician. These patients choose to … Read more

Compare the number of discharges in 2010, 2012, and 2015 in all states using an ANOVA. are there significantly more discharges?describe the assumption of variance between groups and within groups?

write a 500-750 word summary of your results. Use the data provided in the topic statistics to address the following: Describe the mean, median, and mode of discharges by state in 2014. Compare the number of discharges in 2010, 2012, and 2015 in all states using an ANOVA. Are there significantly more discharges? Describe the … Read more

Individual Data Collection and Analysis : describe the process (about 1 page) you and/or your group used to collect your data to answer your research question, paying particular attention to the process you used to collect the data, the measures/instruments used to collect the data, and the population about which the data were collected.

Individual Data Collection and Analysis Individual task is to submit a 2-3 page, double-spaced typed summary of a sample of data collection and analysis. You can work together as a group to collect your data, but each individual is responsible for their own summary of the data collection process and analysis. . Then, each person … Read more

Determine your independent and dependent variables, their scales of measurement, and your null and research hypotheses.

Concepts: Choosing the appropriate statistic, generating a research hypothesis, hypothesis testing, data analysis in SPSS, statistical significance, writing results Choose one of the data sets provided. See the description of each data set. Familiarize yourself with the data set. Determine your independent and dependent variables, their scales of measurement, and your null and research hypotheses. … Read more