Discuss the various biological steps that will take place in your body to extract the necessary nutrients like amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids from the food and make them available to the body cells.

Identification of the Major Processes of the Digestive System You decide to eat a given food. Discuss the various biological steps that will take place in your body to extract the necessary nutrients like amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids from the food and make them available to the body cells. (1page)

Write an essay explaining why, for example, amino acids leave the blood through the arterial end, and organic wastes enter it via the venous end.

A capillary bed  has an arterial and venous end. Exchanges of nutrients, gases, and wastes between blood and interstitial space in opposite directions occur specifically at these so-called ends. Write an essay explaining why, for example, amino acids leave the blood through the arterial end, and organic wastes enter it via the venous end. (Below … Read more