How does the 2020 presidential campaign compare to past campaigns in American history? Is the growing partisan divide anything to be concerned about? Why or why not?

The Enduring Democracy. Many Americans have a growing concern about the health of the American political system due to the heightened partisan divisions between Democrats and Republicans, especially during the 2020 presidential campaign. How does the 2020 presidential campaign compare to past campaigns in American history? Is the growing partisan divide anything to be concerned … Read more

How has the notion of equity and equality played out in American history, between about 1965 through today?

Equity and Equality Discussion Forum. Watch the following video: 1. Did you already know the difference between equality and equity? 2. How is equity and empathy connected and how does that effect the notion of “fairness” you learned about in the video? 3. How has the notion of equity and equality played out in … Read more

Write a presentation of the Act, criteria for declaration of emergency, provide a modern example of its use and discusses the political issue surrounding the declaration.

Presidential Emergency Powers Write a presentation of the Act, criteria for declaration of emergency, provide a modern example of its use and discusses the political issue surrounding the declaration. Discuss historical emergencies in American History. Give a description of 3 historical instances, detailed discussion of political push back Constitutionality of presidential emergency actions. Discuss 2 … Read more

Examine how discrete events, people, or ideas alter and change each other even when spaced apart in time.

American history and society Examine how discrete events, people, or ideas alter and change each other even when spaced apart in time. For each item you choose, you will be expected to write a short one page section that will describe who or what the person, place, or things is and why it is historically … Read more

Select a major event in the second half of American history, describe the event, its outcome, and explain why it is significant in the course of American history.

The Battle of Chancellorsville AMERICAN HISTORY VOL II is the book, and it has to be one of the sources. Select a major event in the second half of American history, describe the event, its outcome, and explain why it is significant in the course of American history.

U.S. history : Discuss 3 major themes of particular relevance to women that should be traced through the history of American women. Explain why these themes are invaluable for an understanding of women in American history.

U.S. history You are a distinguished historian of American women. For that reason, a major publisher has asked you to supervise revision of its college-level U.S. history survey textbook which, as it now stands, has very little coverage of women. Please summarize your recommendations of the necessary changes and additions. Your 8-10 page essay (report) … Read more

The house divided speech Abraham Lincoln: What is the author attempting to illustrate or do with the document? Why was the document written?

The house divided speech (1858) Abraham Lincoln  What is the author attempting to illustrate or do with the document? Why was the document written?  What can be learned about the culture that produced this document? What can be learned about the mentality of the author?  At the time the document was written, … Read more