What are party systems? Are we in a new party system? Why/why not? Could a third party form in our current party system?

American Government The paper should be double-spaced, use 1” margins, 12 point font, in Times New Roman format. The paper is due in class on APRIL 25th. The paper should be approximately 4-6 pages. Questions 1) Is the news biased? In order to address this question, examine an article from CNN and Fox news. The … Read more

What are the primary areas of difference between contemporary Democrats and Republicans? How are the two parties similar? What are the consequences of these patterns for voters and election outcomes? For policy outcomes?

American government The essay should be at least 1000 words overall. Include a works cited page as well. Part One: Begin by completing the following political ideology quizzes: Advocates for Self Government a libertarian website: www.theadvocates.org/quiz Pew Research Center for People & the Press: www.people-press.org/typlogy/quiz Next, analyze the results. Do you believe that these quizzes … Read more

Education is one distinguishing factor that separates the politically sophisticated from the unsophisticated, but, since education levels have increased over the last half-century, why hasn’t Americans’ knowledge of politics increased?

American government Since the advent of polling, political scientists have found that Americans don’t know much about the details of political issues or even the names of many leading politicians. Education is one distinguishing factor that separates the politically sophisticated from the unsophisticated, but, since education levels have increased over the last half-century, why hasn’t … Read more

American government : Describe state electoral laws including registration requirements, formal barriers, voting registration and reforms. Why is voter turnout so low in the U.S.? What are the consequences of low voter turnout?

American government Describe state electoral laws including registration requirements, formal barriers, voting registration and reforms. Why is voter turnout so low in the U.S.? What are the consequences of low voter turnout? Discuss the political issues surrounding campaign funds. Be sure to include sources of funding, campaign finance regulation, political parties, and whether or not … Read more

A current political figure. What is/was their position, how did they obtain their position, and what have been their achievements and impact

American Government A) The CARES Act. This is commonly referred to as the COVID Relief Bill. Evaluate the pros and cons of the legislation and the progress with implementation B) A current political figure. What is/was their position, how did they obtain their position, and what have been their achievements and impact (good or bad.) … Read more