Pick three (3) of the following American Foreign policies and explain how each of your choices was an effective policy to thwart international communist expansion.

American Foreign Policy during the Cold War. Pick three (3) of the following American Foreign policies: Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift Containment Anti-Communist Freedom Fighters Vietnam (conflict) War Détente’ SALT I & SALT II Camp David Accords Strategic Defense Initiative (nicknamed “Star Wars”) Then, address the following for your selections: Explain how each of your choices … Read more

There are certain analysts who believe that the U.S. should be guided by an isolationist foreign policy. Meanwhile, others insist that it would be advantageous for America to remain an interventionist nation. Which of these perspectives do you agree with?Discuss.

American foreign policy There are certain analysts who believe that the U.S. should be guided by an isolationist foreign policy. Meanwhile, others insist that it would be advantageous for America to remain an interventionist nation. Which of these perspectives do you agree with?Discuss.

Write an essay discussing American foreign policy in the period between 1890 and 1920.

American Foreign Policy between 1890 and 1920 Write an essay discussing American foreign policy in the period between 1890 and 1920. Do you think that our foreign policy was driven primarily by considerations of morality and high-minded ideology or by pragmatic economic and strategic considerations based on American self-interest? Use specific examples regarding American policy … Read more

What changes did the Truman Doctrine demonstrate in American Foreign Policy and what did it suggest about America’s beliefs regarding self-determination and a people’s right to choose the government of their choice?

What changes did the Truman Doctrine demonstrate in American Foreign Policy and what did it suggest about America’s beliefs regarding self-determination and a people’s right to choose the government of their choice?