They experienced the deep suffering of all prisoners and all exiles, which is to live with a memory which serves no purpose’ (Albert Camus, The Plague). Discuss the treatment of memory in any relevant texts on the module.

They experienced the deep suffering of all prisoners and all exiles, which is to live with a memory which serves no purpose’ (Albert Camus, The Plague). Discuss the treatment of memory in any relevant texts on the module.

What is Smith showing about the power, effect, or consequence of story on people’s lives, and how does this reflect the concerns of  plague writing.

At the outset of the novel, Richard, who is suicidal, has “had it with story” (11). Analyze the growing weariness of and resistance to story that various characters express in this novel. What is Smith showing about the power, effect, or consequence of story on people’s lives, and how does this reflect the concerns of  … Read more