Create an 8-12-slide powerpoint presentation that summarizes the AFI Framework and the results of the internal and external analyses.

Strategy Implementation. Create an 8-12-slide powerpoint presentation that summarizes the AFI Framework and the results of the internal and external analyses. Must be typed and be 12-15 pages of text, plus a title page and reference page. Use APA (American Psychological Association) writing style.

Create an 8-12-slide PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the AFI Framework and the results of the internal and external analyses.

Strategy Implementation. Create an 8-12-slide PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the AFI Framework and the results of the internal and external analyses. Your presentation should also include a SWOT matrix for the company and your recommendations for strategies to move the company forward that align with organizational structure and governance, and reflect ethical responsibility.

Create an 8-12-slide PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the AFI Framework and the results of the internal and external analyses.

Strategy Implementation Create an 8-12-slide PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the AFI Framework and the results of the internal and external analyses. Do the current strategies need to be changed?What strategies will move the organization forward? How do your recommendations align with organizational structure and governance? Do your recommendations reflect ethical responsibility? Deliverable Format 8–12 content … Read more